Asthma Action Plan

Bronchial Asthma Action Plan and Peak Flow Meter

Asthma action plan can give you and your family substantial health important information which can be utilized in case that you  or any additional family member with asthma experiences an asthma crisis. An asthma action plan is a written plan made by a medical expert or asthma professional to guide you or another member of the family keep from asthma problems. The blueprint is created to inform you or additional family members what needs to be done when there are modifications in the intensity of asthma symptoms and in peak flow numbers. Everyday contact to asthma triggers could potentially cause airway swelling in kids with asthma, no matter if they’re not experiencing breathing troubles. Airway irritation enlarges over time, leaving kids at risk for unpredicted flare-ups. They could feel well, even as their airways getting swollen, narrow, and blocked. Just listening to your kid’s breathing perhaps won’t enable you to recognise irritated or obstructed airways. But an affordable, portable tool named a peak flow meter can measure lung functionality, and this information can assist you manage child’s asthma and avoid huge flare-ups. Peak flow meter is very little, hand-held tool created to watch a person’s capability to exhale air and it most certainly should be included in your asthma action plan. It measures the airflow throughout the bronchi and therefore the level of difficulty in the airways. For your convenience, asthma action plans are regularly split up into three zones on your peak flow meter: green, yellow, and red. In each zone, your asthma action plan will give you doctor-written actions on how to handle each situation.

  • Red Zone: Red zone means you really need urgent health care. Your asthma indicators will possibly comprise frequent, severe cough, intense shortness of breath, wheezing, trouble talking, walking, and fast breathing. Peak flow is less than 50% of personal best. If you are gasping for air, have blue lips or fingernails, or simply can’t do a peak flow, dial emergency.
  • Yellow (Caution) Zone: This isn’t where you have to be. Your symptoms might have coughing, wheezing, and slight shortness of breath. nighttime asthma and daily activities could be uncomfortable. You could potentially be a bit more tired than normal. Peak flow is 50% to 80% of personal best. Call your medical professional in case you really stay into the yellow zone. The green zone plan may need to be adapted to prevent this from happening.
  • Green Zone: Where you need be on a regular basis — NO asthma signs. You are able to do usual activities and sleep with no coughing, wheezing, or breathing issues. Peak flow is 80% to 100% of personal best. With your doctor’s assistance, you’ll be able to utilize your peak flow readings to figure out what actually zone you are in, and after that what strategies to get, if any.

Asthma Symptoms

Symptoms of Asthma

  • Frequent cough, mainly at night
  • Losing your breath easily or shortness of breath
  • Wheezing or coughing after work out
  • Decreases or changes in a peak expiratory flow
  • Feeling very tired or weak when working out
  • Feeling tired, easily upset, bad-tempered, or moody
  • Signs of a cold, upper respiratory infection, or allergies 
  • Trouble sleeping


  • Red Zone: Red zone means you really need urgent health care
  • Yellow (Caution) Zone: This isn’t where you have to be
  • Green Zone: Where you need be on a regular basis 
